Retaining a digital advisor through CDAP
3.2.1 Upon accepting the terms of the Grant Agreement, the applicant will have access to the Digital Advisor Marketplace system. The system contains information on registered Digital Advisory service providers. The applicant is solely responsible to pick an advisor from the system that will produce a Digital Adoption Plan for them. A contractual relationship is only between the advisor and the applicant. The applicant will have up to 9 months to submit a Digital Adoption Plan and invoice from a listed advisor in order to receive a Boost Your Business Technology grant.
3.2.2 As the business relationship is only between the applicant and the Digital Advisor, the applicant should ensure that any contractual agreement with the Digital Advisor addresses the scope of work, costs directly associated with the production of the digital plan, and that the Digital Advisor will deliver a Digital Adoption Plan in accordance with the program's requirements identified in the CDAP digital adoption plan guide.
3.2.3 Although pre-selected by ISED, Digital Advisors are not agents, partners, or employees of ISED. ISED does not warrant the quality of the services provided by such Advisors and is not responsible for any losses or damages, which may result from using the services of an Advisor. Any disputes must be resolved between the applicant and the Digital Advisor.
3.2.4 The applicant is entirely responsible for ensuring full payment of invoices for services rendered by any Digital Advisor.
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